Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Bourne Identity HD DVD Review

Bournce Identity is a terrifc movie for a weekend and while much fuss was made over particular omissions from Ludlum's great spy novel, the overall feel of the world he created remains. If every element from Ludlum's novel were left in this would be a five hour movie. The book was that complex and jam-packed.

Director Doug Liman has retained the basic feel of the book and left the heart of the story in tact. He didn't try to glamourize the grittier aspects simply because he had a big budget with which to work. There is almost a low-key atmosphere which somehow makes all the action seem more real to the viewer. We see Paris and all the other countries only as background to the dark storyline we hope can have some kind of happy resolution as the film goes along.

Franke Potente is perfect as a girl who has no real roots herself, and what begins as a business proposition escalates into love, even if it must be a life on the run with Jason Bourne (Matt Damon). Damon proves he can really act in this film and does a great job as Bourne, a guy who has no idea who he is but has all the instincts of someone not quite part of everyday society.

A Swiss bank account and a dozen passports, along with a large sum of cash and a weapon, tells him something about what kind of life he has led, if not who he is exactly. He ponders the mystery in a Paris cafe with Marie (Potente) while instinctively making note of all the liscence plates of the vehicles parked outside. Why he does so, he doesn't know.

The romance that blossoms between Bourne and Marie becomes one more reason Bourne must find the answers to his identity as international assasins come after them at every turn. There is a moment in the film when he tries to make her leave him for safety because he loves her, and it is for that same reason she stays.

This is a gritty movie with a heart. The action sequences as Bourne's instincts kick in are terrific and the human elements are not lost along the way, which is a credit to Director Liman and the two stars, especially Damon, who separtated himself from a big pack and proved he had talent here.

We are left with a good feeling at the end of this film as both the action and romance are given their moments. I read this many years ago so perhaps the fact it was not fresh in my mind helped me enjoy it more. Taken simply as a really enjoyable film for a weekend, it's A+ entertainment.

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